This is my last week off work, can't say I look forward to working again. I do have a soft job but it's a bit boring when it's slow. On the other hand it's expensive not to work since you spend a lot more money.
My quest for something meeningful to do in my last few days off freedom is somewhat at a standstill, I continue to sit here and play billiard, and not well, I win 48.02% of the games. It can be entertaining though, yesterday, or today, it was after midnight, I played a 17 year old guy in Korea, and earlier today I spent some time playing a 39 year old man in Canada. The youngest I've played was a 10 year old girl, the oldest a 77 year old man, assuming you can trust what they type.
Here comes some of the local news:
- Maintenance breakes summerhomeowner
- 8 month in prison for rape
- Dad convicted for childabuse
- Fire in caravan
(Picture sure looks like it's winter and a UFO has landed)